Massachusetts Tech Connect Internship Program (MA Tech Connect) is now accepting applications to stand up new tech-focused internship programs for community colleges and other associate degree granting institutions in Massachusetts. Careers in the tech and innovation sector offer dynamic opportunities for economic advancement and personal growth. Tech and innovation sector internships offer students a concrete pathway into the industry and strengthen the state’s tech talent pipeline by ensuring that the foothold is in Massachusetts.
Funding Opportunity
This funding opportunity will provide flexible resources to community colleges, other associate degree granting institutions and their partners to develop a pilot program to support securing tech and innovation sector internships for associate-level students in Massachusetts. The goal is to help address both employer willingness and awareness to take on associate-level interns while also addressing barriers that may prevent students from completing an internship. Funds can be used for a wide range of purposes including but not limited to wage stipends, wraparound services to help interns succeed during the internship and organizational infrastructure to facilitate internship placements.
A total of $400,000 is available for this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Awards in the range of $100,000-$200,000 are anticipated.
Grantees will have two years to spend the funds.
Any non-profit or government organization in Massachusetts is eligible to apply for MA Tech Connect. Organizations that are not community colleges or other associate degree granting institutions must include at least one as a partner in their proposal.
Key Dates
- Application Period Opens: Monday, January 17
- Informational Webinar: Friday, January 7 at 12:00 p.m.
- Application Deadline: Monday, January 24 by 5:00 p.m.
- Award Notification: End of March 2025
Informational Webinar
Join us on Friday, February 7 at 12:00 p.m. for an informational webinar to learn more about the MA Tech Connect program. We will provide an overview of the application process, discuss eligibility requirements and answer questions in real time.
To apply, submit your completed application electronically to proposals@masstech.org and Program Manager Will Fuqua fuqua@masstech.org by Monday, January 24. Applicants are encouraged to read the NOFO carefully and conform to its requirements.
- Download NOFO No. 2025-JAII-0x (PDF)
- Download Attachment C Budget Spreadsheet (EXCEL)